Oct 6, 2009

Yeah, I'm Lazy

Since I'm lazy and my brain is dead from sleep deprivation, I decided to try one of those internet meme things I see people use in their blogs occasionally. Seemed pretty fun, so here I go.

The Who, What, When, Where, Why Would You Meme

Who ....
is easy to love? Kittens. And other things that are small, furry, and trusting.
do you just wanna smack? The close-minded, FOX news, Kanye West... this list could get long.
do you trust? a select few haha
do you talk to when you're alone? Myself, since there's nobody else there... duh?

dangerous things do you do while driving? Me driving in general is pretty dangerous. So... breathe.
are you allergic to? Some unidentifiable type of pollen, possibly ragweed. And algebra.
is Satan's last name? McCormick.
is the last thing that moved you? I'm not often moved, really.
is the freakiest thing in your house? my brother, probably

is it time to turn over a new leaf? It's usually always a good time to turn over a new leaf. No time like the present.
will you be all that you can be? Never.
is enough enough? When you can't take it anymore
do you go to the dark side? when they have peanut butter cookies instead of brownies

are your pants? On my legs!
is your last will and testament? non-existant. I'm too young to be that morbid.
is your junk food stash? My digestive system mostly.
is Carmen Sandiego? In my little CD holder thing

was the Lone Ranger alone? Body odor?
was The Scarlet Letter scarlet? Don't tell my English teacher... and because red represents sin and impurity. Who came up with what colors represent anyway?
are musicians sexy and plumbers not? Music is sexier than sewage. There's nothing glamous under my sink.
are there no seat belts on school buses? Beause students would constantly be hitting each other with them, vandalizing them, and otherwise causing more harm than the occasional wreck does.

Would you....
swim the English Channel for a doughnut and coffee? Um, no.That's far from a fair trade.
If not that, what? peanut butter cookies maybe?
forgive someone who deliberately hurt you? Deliberately? no.
rather believe a lie if it hurt you less than the truth? No. Ignorance may be bliss, but it's also ignorance.
you still be alive if you were sucked out of an airplane window? I'm thinking not.
Would you just float around in space for while? Beats me. Stupid question. And I refuse to think about it anymore.

Well that wasn't very entertaining, was it?
Next time I'll try to find something with more interesting questions.
I picked this one because it reminded me of the essential journalisty questions, I guess.
And the original had pretty pictures that I have no idea how to post on here.
I will now cease this gigantic time waste.

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