May 30, 2009

A Totally Lame First Entry

I have no idea what I'm doing.
I've just always thought it would be awesome to have a blog. Like my own little corner of the internet to rant in. I like to rant.
I have quickly discovered that I know nothing about blogging. Anybody who might actually read this will quickly discover that as well.
The first thing this thus far very short experience has taught me is that I have no confidence in myself. I've made the theme "totally lame" which doesn't speak volumes for my self-esteem. Nor my creative articulation. "Totally lame" was all I could come up with in the way of catchy titles? I would promise myself to change it later, but it's already in the URL, so I'm stuck with it. Maybe this blog will become a source of self-confidence, making the title ironic. I like irony just as much as ranting. And ranting about irony? Ohh boy!

Lookee there, my first rant! I'm so excited.

I figure blogs are supposed to be centered around a topic. Well, I have no topic. Direction, who needs that? I'll just blog about whatever the spirit moves me to. Rant, rant, rant. Anybody care to count how many times I've said rant during this rant? Rant!

I guess I should do something about an introduction. I'm a 17 year high school student and extremely recently completed my Junior year. My interests include writing (obviously), reading (anything), watching too much television, all sorts of music, being a total geek, and complaining. I would say I'm an average teenage girl, but that's not really true. This will probably become evident as I write. I'm not saying I'm above average, I'm just not typical. I don't say this as a source of pride, either. It's just a fact. A Fact of Life. (Too much tv, I told you.)

Well, I'm probably not industrious, witty, or enthusiastic enough for blogging, but here I am anyway. Maybe one day, somebody will read it. Don't judge me by this post, though, please. They'll be better later, I promise. Hey, at least one sentence in this whole thing wasn't self deprecating!