Nov 9, 2009

Only "Urgh" is Adequate

Fickle friends, how you annoy me!

I don't understand people. I really don't. They're so simple and so complex all at same time. This makes them especially hard to be friends with.

All I want are people I can talk to, that I can identify with, and who don't judge me. Apparently this is entirely too much to ask.

Why do we demand that our friends be who we want them to be instead of who they actually are? Life isn't supposed to be like a Sims game. You can't click edit and add or subtract personality traits. That doesn't stop anyone from trying though.

I have come to really appreciate the few people I can count on to actually accept me instead of try to mold me into their image of what I'm supposed to be. Heck, I'll even settle for people willing to incorporate new ideas into their me-stereotype.

What I can't tolerate are those who feel the need to demand of me certain actions or bar me from others. If you do not like any aspect of my personality, actions, interests, etc., why do you even want to be near me at all?

If I could, I would be everyone's friend. But I'm tired of always having to the bigger person in some many various relationships. I'm never allowed to be the petty and immature one because that role is constantly filled by somebody else. It's hard always letting everything slide off my back when hardly anyone affords me that luxury.

I suppose I should just get over it and deal with people as they are, and I as I am. But sometimes, I just reach a breaking point where I wish I didn't have to talk to them anymore. I want to pass on all their games and scheming and lies. I just want to be. Simply be, without judgment or having to take sides or engage in silly arguments.

But that's not possible and I'll always have to deal and I'll always have to be the bigger person and I hope I don't have to stretch so far I break.

As Michel from Gilmore Girls once said, "People are especially stupid today. I cannot talk to anymore of them." Or something like that.

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