I exist in a weird place between the "I love Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, and Ke$ha" world of pop song, Glee-watching, mainstream teenyboppers and the "I love a bunch of bands you're not privileged enough to even listen to" band tshirt-wearing, skinny jean squeezing counter-culture teenager. I don't worship Kurt Cobain nor will I ever buy a Jonas Brothers concert ticket.
So I drift between these two worlds and never feel like I have complete credit in either of them.
Standing in the middle of a group of half-drunken, college-aged social deviants, I didn't exactly feel at home. Not being particularly into the music (while not a horrible sound, it was very...consistent to say the least and I never understood one word that was uttered), I turned my attention to the concert-goers that surrounded me.
The girls in front of me, blocking my view to the stage and bobbing up and down noncommittally the music, as if to say "I just happened to walk in here and saw a concert going on and decided to stay" even though they obviously made a concerted effort to attend, were a rather strange sight. One was dressed in a very non-hipster kid jeans and a sweatshirt, snapping a picture every three seconds and commencing to edit the quality of them in real time, very much unengaged with the performance unfolding a few feet in front of her.
What I presume was her friend stood beside her, much more into the music as evidenced by the occasional fist pumping to the beat and accidental tell-tale smile, was wearing a strange shirt-dress thing with loud and mismatched childish jewelry, including an over-sized monkey ring. In this weird demographic, it was difficult to tell the Halloween costumes from the personal "style" of the patrons.
Behind me was what can only be described as an obnoxious, oddly dressed and very drunk lesbian. She apologized to me a few times for her intoxicated dancing and bumping, but she did not apologize for her annoying habit of completely turning her back on the show and attempting to flirt with a tragically geeky-in-an-unattractive-way (Yeah, I'm confused too.) guy who was a little way too much into the band. Eventually, they both disappeared with their Coors Light aroma and impolite mosh pit etiquette.
Other notables include the threesome composed of a man and woman similarly dressed whose body language suggested a romantic couple and whose facial features suggested siblings accompanied by a girl who didn't fit at all; also present was what appeared to be a gay couple dressed as a gorilla and a banana, an obnoxious sounding kid who looked like Justin Bieber but was dressed as something I don't know about, and a super drunk guy who said hey to everyone and spit in the floor.
While I may never be part of this peer group (what a shame), it was nice to experience it for one night, a bobbing head among all the other bobbing heads in the crowd, unintelligible from an actual appreciator of electronica music.
I do enjoy passionate and eclectic people and loud music with a bass that reverberates through your very muscles and organs and contributing to the happiness of a beloved friend, so all and all, it was a night well spent.
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